WG4. Economic Exploitation


As mentioned before, Europe is losing leadership and competitiveness in NRF2-related pharmacology since products initially developed in Europe are being exploited in third countries. In this context, this WG will design the strategy to retain innovation and facilitate the transfer of knowledge to European industry by building bridges between academia and industry, and provide training and advice in knowledge/technology transfer and entrepreneurship to the next-generation researchers.



Anders Bach

Anton Terasmaa

Bilge Debelec Butuner

Bruno Ramos-Molina

Camillo Rosano

Elena Poverenov

Eugenia Carvalho

Gerasimos Sykiotis

Gina Manda

Ioannis P. Trougakos

Isabel Lastres-Becker

Joana Loureiro

Juan Antonio Moreno

Lidija Milkovic

Marco Peretto

Maria Carmo Pereira

Maria Teresa Cruz

Marisa Andreia Carvalho de Freitas

Michel-Edwar Mickael

Murat Yılmaz

Sara Zakaria

Sharadha Dayalan Naidu

Srdjan Bjedov


Ugne Jonavice

Vera Marisa Costa