Dr Andreas Daiber, full Professor in Molecular Cardiology at the University Medical Center Mainz in Germany, has specialized in the study of noise and its consequences on cardiovascular health.
During the episode we will cover lots of interesting aspects including: what is noise? How does it impact our health? When are we more vulnerable to the effects of noise? And, very importantly, what can we do to counteract noise to safeguard our health?
Dr. Roberta Foresti, BenBedPhar member, Professor of the University Paris Est Créteil and working at the Mondor Institute of Biomedical Research, is organizing an exciting podcast that will explore and discuss the fascinating world of enzymes and molecules and their role in nature and human biology.
COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. Our Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.
Grant Holder: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Start of Action: 19 October, 2021
End of Action: 18 October, 2025
CSO approval date: 25 May 2021
Action email: info@benbedphar.org
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