Dr. Elena Milanesi received Award L’oreal-UNESCO for Women in Science


Dr. Elena Milanesi received Award L’oreal-UNESCO for Women in Science

Dr. Elena Milanesi, from the  National Institute of Pathology  Victor Babes. Bucharest, Romania, received in December 2022 the Award L’oreal-UNESCO for Women in Science, in relationship with her work on “miRNAs regulating the expression of redox and inflammatory genes in cognitive impairment”. More information about Dr. Elena Milanesi’s achievements can be found at: https://thewoman.ro/pentrufemeiledinstiinta-sursa-daruirii-pe-care-un-cercetator-o-pune-in-activitate-ar-trebui-sa-fie-direct-legata-de-nevoile-oamenilor-elena-milanesi-cercetator-stiintific/

BenBedPhar congratulates Elena for this fantastic recognition to her scientific career.
